YouTube blocks The Lee Brothers

The Lee Brother’s didn’t match up with the WHO, the government or the government’s administrators..YouTube! WOW! So grateful YouTube is protecting you from a different opinion!

Medical misinformation. YouTube does not allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts the World Health Organization (WHO) or local health authorities’ medical information about COVID-19, including on methods to prevent, treat, or diagnose COVID-19 and means of transmission of COVID-19″

2 thoughts on “YouTube blocks The Lee Brothers

  1. YouTube’s response to our appeal:

    “Hi The Lee Brothers Radio, We have reviewed your appeal for the following content:

    Video: The Lee Brothers Radio Show
    We reviewed your content carefully, and have confirmed that it violates our medical misinformation policy. We know this is probably disappointing news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all.

    How this affects your channel: We won’t be putting your content back up on YouTube.
    If your appeal was for a warning, you will not be given another warning in the future.
    If your appeal was for a strike, the strike will remain on your channel.

  2. Pingback: helping The Lee Brothers – The Lee Brothers Radio Show

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